10 Dec 2012


Hey there,

I was checking z-classroom and saw an article from Scott Eaton:

It's a nice read and has some fun videos of him sculpting.
I took his class 'anatomy for artists' a while back and must say he's a great teacher. He knows what he's talking about and hints stuff towards games and movies. Go check it out if you're interested in boosting your anatomy skills:

I'm having Jordy Lakiere over tonight to plan out a trip, so stoked!

I also passed my theoretical drivers licence exam for riding a bike! So I planned some lessons, which are mandatory here in Belgium, to proper learn how to drive a bike and do the necessary exercises for the practical exam. So can't wait for that as well!

Cheers and enjoy!


5 Dec 2012

Tutorials and music

So this is weird posting random stuff I want to share :)

Great side information for 3D artists curious for technical stuff and optimizing their models, it's old but not outdated and worth a visit if you haven't already:
http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=50588&page=1 (discussion between professionals)
http://www.ericchadwick.com/examples/provost/byf1.html (round-up tutorial about it)
elieverbrugge.com/DirectLinks/BeautifulYetFriendly_by_GuillaumeProvost.pdf (pdf form easy to download)

here is a nice explanation on light behaviour:
http://www.itchy-animation.co.uk/light.htm (must read for beginners but still interesting for advanced artists)
elieverbrugge.com/DirectLinks/Tut_Light_by_RichardYot.pdf  (pdf form easy to download)
 If you want even more on light buy this book:
I've read it and enjoyed it. He explains it in easy English so even for non English-speaking ppls it shouldn't be a bumpy ride :)

Some great music I've been listening lately:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmI_C0bleMA&feature=autoplay&list=PL880B86C8ACE64D81&playnext=3 (best playlist for biosphere)

http://soundcloud.com/solitude (ambient dubstep mixes)
http://www.youtube.com/user/JamIAmMixes?feature=watch (funky alternative music mixes)

4 Dec 2012

Time for a change.

Hey all!

I've updated my website (go check it out!) so it works more as a tidy art-blog rather than for portfolio purpose only. This means most posts will go directly on my website in stead of in here.


Don't worry, everytime I update my website I'll post it in here to make it into your news feed :)

This blog will be used for more than just showing my art.
I will put stuff in here that interests me in genereal such as interesting articles, websites, artists, talks, ideas,... not necessarily art-related.
I used to do this via facebook, and will continue doing that but it will be redirected in here.
This also breaks the barrier of having to be connected with me on facebook.
There will be both dutch/french stuff and international english stuff, don't hesitate to ask for translations if you have interest in it (or if google translate doesn't suffice).

To take a good start here's a list of stuff I wanted to share with the world for a while already.

www.ted.com  (interesting talks!)
http://usagardener.com/ (good farming guides, calendars, seed lists, info, etc)
http://www.biozaden.be/ (belgian group with interesting offers to buy seeds and info about seeds)
http://cloudappreciationsociety.org/ (beautiful clouds!)
http://www.arkive.org/ (nice pics and facts)
http://nl.reddit.com/r/EarthPorn/ (images of the world)
http://permacultureprinciples.com/ethics.php (everybody should show some interest in this for it is the future)

http://www.scott-eaton.com/learning/ (great anatomy lessons for artists)
http://schoolism.com/dashboard.php (nice lessons and great interviews)
http://livestreamstatuslist.appspot.com/ (shows all artists streaming live atm)
http://livestreamstatuslist.appspot.com/ (forum for artists wanting to get mentored or ask questions)
http://www.hippydrome.com/ (Mesh-flow, deformation, rigging etc UPDATED)
http://www.kevinjohnstone.com/ (big art dump and great artist mostly enviro)
http://www.cgstudiomap.com/home (studios map)
http://www.gamedevmap.com/ (another studios map)
http://fuckyeahconceptart.tumblr.com/ (MASSIVE ART DUMP)
http://framexframe.tumblr.com/ (old animations breakdown)
http://www.richardmacdonald.com/ (amazing sculptor)
http://www.mapcrunch.com/ (auto google streetview placer for environment doodles)

http://robg3d.com/beveling.html  (MUST READ article about normalmaps, vertex count and hard edges)
http://dornob.com/historical-tree-house-fort-restaurant-resort-designs/ (cool treehouses)
http://www.eurogamer.nl/articles/2011-03-30-the-tiny-bang-story-komt-dit-voorjaar (great point and click game)
http://tech-artists.org/forum/showthread.php?50-General-Skinning-Tips (skinning)
http://gurneyjourney.blogspot.be/ (amazing artist/painter with cool posts)